Linear Variable Differential Transformer or LVDT is a displacement transducer, which is mainly used for measurement of linear displacements. LVDT works on the principle of transformer action i.e., mutual induction between primary and secondary coils.
Construction of LVDT

Working Principle of LVDT
Working of LVDT
The object whose displacement need to be measured is attached to the core by suitable means. With the displacements of objects, core is moved either up or down. When core is moved towards down-side from central position, magnetic flux linking with secondary coil 2 (SC2) increases whereas magnetic flux linking with secondary coil 1 (SC1) decreases. Thus, the voltage induced in SC2 increases and in SC1 decreases. As discussed above, voltage induced in SC1 & SC2 are 180⁰ out of phase that is these voltages have reversed polarities than each other. Also these secondary coils are connected in series, therefore, addition of voltages in two coils is the net output voltage of LVDT. For example, say at any instance voltage induced in coils SC1 is -2 volts and in coil SC2 is 5 volts, so net output voltage will be 3 volts. This voltage will have same phase as SC2. Similarly, when core is moved up-side from central position, voltage induced in SC1 increases and in SC2 decreases. Thus net output will be the addition of two voltages. On the other hand, when core is at central position, magnetic flux linking with SC1 & SC2 are same and voltages induced in both coils are also same but with polarities reversed than each other. Thus, net output voltage of LVDT will be zero.
Because of residual voltages due to stay magnetic and capacitance effects, the net output voltage at central position may not zero at all the times. LVDTs are available in wide ranges. LVDTs have linear output over a wide range of input displacements.
Advantages of LVDT Instruments
- Minimum input force costs in sensing by LVDT because of negligible friction in movement of force.
- High sensitivity.
- Linear Output.
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